We are unbiased experts at evaluating the components of a home.

Homes built prior to 1972 are equipped with cost iron sanitary sewer pipes under the home’s Roars. This piping has an original life expectancy of 40 to 50 years. This piping corrodes due to age, causing leakage, blockages, backups and damage to the homes. The soil below a home’s floors and the walls become saturated with the contaminated sewer water, creating potentially hazardous conditions. It is not a question of “if” this piping will fail, but when.

The following may alert you that your piping is failing:

Backups of your toilets, tubs, kitchen sink, laundry sink or shower.

Cockroach infestation, especially around the kitchen (they come out of the broken piping!)

Staining or damage to the walls or doors. 

Leakage from under your kitchen cabinets.

The smell of sulfur, sewer gas.

Stains or leakage at on exterior wall under a kitchen window. 

The repairs required to replace the piping can be very expensive, and require you to vacate your home. Identifying the condition at the early stages will allow you to plan and address the problem before your home is uninhabitable. Additionally, what many homeowners might not know is that the damage and repairs may be covered by their homeowner’s insurance. 

Here’s where Allied comes in. We are unbiased experts at evaluating the components of a home. We are not plumbers who have an interest in re-piping your home. We provide objective evaluations and inspections of your piping using the latest mini-camera technology. Allied has been providing assessments to homeowners since 1993 and is the oldest inspection company in South Florida celebrating our 24th year. We will provide you with the information you need to know, including a report documenting the damages with photographs of the piping conditions. Allied has provided this service to hundreds of homeowners in South Florida. 

A Sewer Camera Inspection & Damage Assessment costs start at $375 for a standard 2 bathroom home, including a detailed report documenting the damages. The cost of the assessment may also be covered by your homeowners insurance should you have a covered claim.